This is a photo of us facils in the night doing last minute class identity work!
This is what I called extraordinary because . Normally we don't get the chance to get to stay overnight in RV thus this is indeed an extraordinary experience. Every one working our hearts out to try to give our year ones the best orientation they will ever have. Ps. I m supposed to be sleeping now but CID is important 😂. Together , we will create the best orientation for our juniors!!
Hi! My name is Jensen Kuok Thai Hock from class 2K and register number 22 . I am looking forward to this year's Cid 2 . Especially OELP !! But first , here is a short introduction about my self. I was from Woodgrove primary school, my primary schoolmates gave me a lot of wonderful memories . We have been thought thick and thins together and we still stay in touch up till now!
I am more of a sports person. I can more or less play most of the ball sports, from table tennis, to soccer . Since young, i have been exposed to many different sports by my father, who was an all rounder. However, he is particularly interested in tennis. As for me , I have challenged myself to take up a ball sport that I have never played before for my CCA . Thus, for my CCA I chose volleyball. Part of the reason why I chose volleyball is because I always loved team sport. I Enjoy the team play and coordination between each and every teammate, coaches and supporters. Winning for the school also makes me very proud . Although the volleyball team seriously never win before haha. We will try and make the school proud this year.
I am also a very adventurous person. I especially love to snorkel. My family always goes to different islands to snorkel . Just last year June , we went to a very beautiful beach in Sabah. It was one of the most memorable beach/island I have been to.
In school, I consider myself to be quite sociable. Meeting this bunch of friends is definitely one of the best things that has happened to me!! May our friendship last forever.
I hope this blog will give you a better impression of what type of person I am .
Thank you,
Hi Jensen! I bet you are surrounded by many good friends as you sent the positive vibes! You will break record to win the first trophy for River Valley Volleyball team!:)